
(the digital version of my spiral "toss" notebook)

current   index    Broncos schedule
gold/silver prices 2018:       Aug 21: $1195/$14.73     Jul 8: $1254/$16      May 26: $1301/$16.46    Apr 9: $1336/$16.54    Feb 15: $1352/$16.72

Dash crypto price graph 2018:       Aug 21: $149     Jul 8: $243      May 26: $333    Apr 9: $301    Feb 10: $622     Jan 31: $688


Weight Log Overview
Jul 2018: 161 lbs / 19.5% bf / 36" waist
Jun 2018: 160 lbs / 22.9% bf / 36" waist
Dec 2017: 170 lbs / 24.8% bf / 38" waist



CList - bike basket: Poway   Colo Spgs 
(the large one on the recumbent is 21" x 15" at top) 

wsj a-heds 

sjb tablet links

check out this website: (found article there about John Lilly and Ketamine)

The Guardian's 100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time   (some info about each book)
The Guardian's best music of the month series



Nov 2018
Mom's kettle: 9505 5145 3052 8338 2905 31 Price is Right tickets Jan 20 or 21 probably only dates 7800 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Liver Rescue: 12/05 #12 on 2 copies Life Changing Foods: 12/05 #24 on 6 copies Vehicle Retirement: CAP ID: 3188485 10/22/2018 CA Vehicle Retirement Program steps to lock OnDemand see if Regie Hamm makes a post about Taylor Swift and new streaming deal The simple instructions for resetting the clock taken out of Tercel: Press MODE (left button) repeatedly until you reach the setting you wish to change (month, day, hour, minute). Then press the SET button to change this setting. Nov 21: read a VERY interesting essay, "The Warlock Hunt" by Claire Berlinski. Copied to clippings. In it she mentioned the book "Folk Devils and Moral Panics" by Stanley Cohen. At the end of the essay it mentioned she was crowdfunding a book. As of today, it has generated $43,477 of her $60,000 goal, raised by 643 people in 32 months. Donated $5, which it says will get me a copy of the book. A good, critical, comment on the GoFundMe page mentioned a site her folio posts about her book in progress (she doesn't seem to be archiving them here any more) last update, #56, about Nov 1, 2018
Oct 2018
Colo Springs, as of Oct 8: sunrise: 7am sunset: ?:?pm credit card security freeze Here are the websites to visit to set up security freezes: TransUnion: Experian: Equifax: National Consumer Telecom and Utilities Exchange: "Reelgood app.... doesn’t cost anything. It helps users find shows and movies across several dozen services, and offers useful recommendations." SweetGreen salad chain amazon movies: Kindle Cloud book "Process: the writing lives of great authors", left off page 65
Sept 2018
'The brain can be challenged in a great many ways, but it has a limited number of ways of saying "ouch."' - episode 1 from Broken Brain doc Broncos schedule - 2018 1 Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Sept. 9 2:25 p.m. FOX 2 Oakland Raiders Sunday, Sept. 16 2:25 p.m. CBS 3 at Baltimore Ravens Sunday, Sept. 23 11 a.m. CBS 4 Kansas City Chiefs Monday, Oct. 1 6:15 p.m. ESPN 5 at New York Jets Sunday, Oct. 7 11 a.m. CBS 6 Los Angeles Rams Sunday, Oct. 14 2:05 p.m. FOX 7 at Arizona Cardinals Thursday, Oct. 18 6:20 p.m. FOX 8 at Kansas City Chiefs Sunday, Oct. 28 11 a.m. CBS 9 Houston Texans Sunday, Nov. 4 2:05 p.m. CBS 10 BYE WEEK 11 at Los Angeles Chargers Sunday, Nov. 18 2:05 p.m. CBS 12 Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday, Nov. 25 2:25 p.m. CBS 13 at Cincinnati Bengals Sunday, Dec. 2 11 a.m. CBS 14 at San Francisco 49ers Sunday, Dec. 9 2:05 p.m. CBS 15 Cleveland Browns Saturday, Dec. 15 2:30 p.m. NFL 16 at Oakland Raiders Monday, Dec. 24 6:15 p.m. ESPN 17 Los Angeles Chargers Sunday, Dec. 30 2:25 p.m. CBS Adriene Mishler, YouTube yoga Poway sheriff scanner stream Also, something called Pulsepoint for the Poway Fire Department 'Low salt diet can cause body to compensate for low blood volume by constricting vascular system, which raises heart rate - - not good.' "In essence, your body knows better than the experts how much salt it needs - and telling someone to restrict their salt intake is akin to telling someone to restrict their water intake when they are thirsty. It just makes no biological sense." -from "The Salt Fix" book, by Dr. James DiNicolantonio "this is what inequality does. It turns marriage into a luxury good, and a stable family life into a privilege that the moneyed elite can pass along to their children. How do we think that’s going to work out?" "When economists like me look at medicine in America..., we see something that looks an awful lot like a cartel." "You see, when educated people with excellent credentials band together to advance their collective interest, it’s all part of serving the public good by ensuring a high quality of service, establishing fair working conditions, and giving merit its due. That’s why we do it through “associations,” and with the assistance of fellow professionals wearing white shoes. When working-class people do it — through unions — it’s a violation of the sacred principles of the free market. It’s thuggish and anti-modern. Imagine if workers hired consultants and “compensation committees,” consisting of their peers at other companies, to recommend how much they should be paid. The result would be — well, we know what it would be, because that’s what CEOs do." "If the system can be gamed, well then, our ability to game the system has become the new test of merit." "There is a page in the book of American political thought... that says we must choose between government and freedom. But if you read it twice, you’ll see that what it really offers is a choice between government you can see and government you can’t. Aristocrats always prefer the invisible kind of government." "One of the reasons that the media shuns good news is that good things often take a long time to build, while bad things tend to happen all at once." "fundamental reason that crowdsourcing is such a viable model today is the massive excess mental capacity - “cognitive surplus” - that exists in our society." "Current conceptions of blockchain are trying to do the impossible. They want the security of a decentralized system with the control of a centralized one. The desire is the best of both worlds, but what they end up getting is the worst of both worlds. You get the costs and difficulty of a decentralized system with the failure modes of a centralized one." Jimmy Song "Tech companies say they’re only improving accuracy with Maven [drone AI] – ie the right people will be killed rather than the wrong ones – and in saying that, the political assumption that those people on the other side of the world are more killable, and that the US military gets to define what suspicion looks like, go unchallenged. So technology questions are being used to close off some things that are actually political questions. The choice to use algorithms to automate certain kinds of decisions is political too. The legal conventions of modern warfare, imperfect as they might be, assume human accountability for decisions taken. At the very least, algorithmic warfare muddies the water in ways we may grow to regret." YouTube uploads: 400 hours’ worth every 60 seconds, according to Google YouTube typically pays between $2 and $4 for every 1,000 views "Zoller works as a moderator, responding to comments. Moderation is one of the most gruelling jobs in the web’s emergent economy, and while Zoller does not work in front of the camera, her role puts her in the firing line for anonymous abuse and bad-faith interaction.... Zoller believes that, far from wanting to deal with the negativity, YouTube actively encourages it via the design of the algorithm. 'People tend not to discuss content unless they have very strong opinions about it, and most of the time those strong opinions favour disagreement,' she explains. 'So the algorithm favours clickbait and controversial content over meaningfully nuanced and positive content.' 'YouTube rewards people who produce daily,' Morton says. 'They made the algorithm, so they have the power to remake it. If they set different criteria, it would help. We are human beings. We need some time for ourselves.'" "European Barge Cruise: The captain of the eight-passenger Magna Carta will arrange, whenever possible, golf, tennis and hiking excursions whether you book a cabin or the whole barge. From $4,550 per person for a six-night cruise; magnacarta. France, the country where hotel barging was invented (by an Englishman in 1966), has the most active options for barge travelers.... with activities such as trail riding on horseback, rock climbing, and kayaking on the River Yonne. Both the Nivernais and the Canal de Bourgogne, in southern Burgundy, are lined with cycling routes that fan out across the gently rolling countryside. On the Canal du Midi in Provence you can play tennis and visit Roman ruins in one fell swoop, and on the Canal de Briare, you can pedal to the vineyards of Sancerre for winetasting." The Barista Touch from Breville accommodates coffee nerds who like to fine-tune their technique as well as those who just want a latte and don’t care how it was made. Touch also allows for agency in the drink-making process, with options to adjust the grind, brewing time, temperature of the milk and more, in case you’re keen to design your own signature drink—which you can program into the machine too. $1,200 "I wish we could view consent as something that’s less about caution and more about care for the other person, the entire person, both during an encounter and after, when we’re often at our most vulnerable. Because I don’t think many of us would say yes to the question 'Is it O.K. if I act like I care about you and then disappear?'” Project Fi, Google's cell service Sept 4: turned off all updates from Shamanic Practices meetup Ute PowWow 200 East Highway 151 don’t miss the highlights: the Powwow’s Grand Entry ceremonies Friday 7pm Saturday 1pm & 7pm Sunday 12pm Gourd Dances Friday 5pm Saturday 10am & 5pm Sunday 10am Other Fun Tribal Fair Events The tribal fair also includes a huge variety of events such as salsa and frybread contests, a jalapeno eating contest, a tipi-raising contest and a greased pole-climbing contest, as well as handgame, horseshoe and softball tournaments. Sept 1: ".... in a USDA study of 571 fruit and vegetable samples bearing the organic seal, 43% had detectable residues of prohibited pesticides." "comfort is the enemy of style." [another reason to dislike the cult of style]
Aug 2018
Dave is usually off Mon thru Wed Aug 30: Allstate Poway says McKenna insurance may write policies for Baja/Tijuana/Mexico auto insurance. Monica McKenna, 800-900-8075, 619-475-9000 ext 118 (I left msg asking for confirmation.) Thu Aug 16: Mom wakes very chilled, feeling very poorly, attempts to vomit but nothing comes up, temp of 99.9°. 09:05am, called clinic, left msg for Paula with Cheryl Stephanie called back, give fluids, keep taking antibio 09:53am temp 102° 10:13am 100.8° 10:35am took 1/2 of antibiotic 10:36am 100.7° 10:38am Penrad Imaging robo called; requested call back; 719-867-7902 scheduling 11:46am Penrad called back, Lea, will call again after checking that mri is okay with mom's heart valve. 12:45pm 101.0° 01:30pm 1/2 of antibiotic 02:10pm a little soup 04:55pm 100.5°, a little soup, 1/2 of antibiotic 07:30pm some scrambled egg 08:00pm 1/2 tramadol 08:50pm 102°, 1/2 of antibiotic Fri Aug 17 05:45am 101.4°; slept all night in recliner, did not urinate all night 06:35am bowel movement, assumed urination 07:00am urinate 07:05am oatmeal & blueberries 07:10am full dose of antibiotic 07:50am 100° Sat Aug 18 10:40am 99.2° 04:00pm 99.5° still sleeping a lot, stubborn, won't bathe or eat or drink smoothie Sun Aug 19 & Mon Aug 20 fever all but gone Tue Aug 21 no fever, yogurt, 2 swallows of meal replacement, 1 fried egg, some veggie sticks, Amy's ravioli Wed Aug 22 97.2° raisin bran, gr smoothie, burrito/enchilada, tapioca Thu Aug 23 raisin bran, temp: 96.4° weight: 95 she said, clothes and shoes on 9am tramadol 11:45am tomato soup, turkey sand, fries (ate half cup of soup, few bites of sandwich and fries) 12:45pm half cup of choc ice cream 5pm half of turkey sandwich 8pm 1 cup of choc ice cream; 1st dose of Mirtazapine Fri Aug 24 9:30am raisin bran & blueberry yogurt (I fed her a few spoons of each) cold, shivering, unwilling; I had to carry her several times, she was so out of it Sat Aug 25 no prescription drugs yesterday, up on her own by 8am, ate an egg, toast, coffee; showering 9:30am: check into Encompass rehab hospital Donna unable to identify month or year Sat Sep 01 Donna checks into rehab wing of Life Care Nursing Home hospitals w emergency rooms: *** preferred *** Penrose-St Francis 2222 N Nevada Ave 80907 13 min/4.7 miles UC 2767 Janitell Road 80906 8 min/3.4 miles Notes for conversation with Dawn about my vision for Align: - an enterprise with the guiding belief that humans incarnate here to grow our souls (most such organizations establish a method, a dogma, then leave all the particulars of keeping a body clothed, housed, and fed entirely to the individual) - - our civilization has developed far enough that we don't need to be working 40 or more hours a week just to keep out of the rain - - a group could form that allows the members to spend most of their time pursuing their visions, their spiritual good - - it is inevitable that selfish or lazy people will try to join the group and then just indulge the baser aspects of their bodies - - also, probably inevitable that when someone's dream/vision does bring a windfall, they may want to keep it for themselves - - finding individuals mature enough to not fall prey to either of these tendencies will be a prime challenge - my role: rainmaker, & help get the conceptual aspects of the enterprise going, then cast seeds - how do we start? I say, a place to live, with some gig type work for the first members ∞ not everyone has to bring in their fair share of means every day, every week; some might take years to bring any additional income Anne Kadet wsj writer whose articles i enjoy Kizik, no hands slip on shoes, @$200, wsj ad "The Encyclopedia of Pragmatic Medicine and Holistic Medicine, Volumes 1 and 2" by Bruce West (book that Mom's friend Louise DiBiase uses) Aug 17, Guardian: "165 co-housing communities in the US and another 140 in the planning stages" wsj: an air fryer is actually a small convection oven, can roast, toast, bake or braise ginkgo biloba for tinnitus - some evidence for it Wed Aug 15: Results back from blood and urine tests for Mom: signs of Urinary Tract Infection; sodium low; kidney function a little low; some anemia; b12 good, thyroid ok. Prescribed Nitrofurantoin Mono/Mac 100mg Caps, 2 a day for 7 days Aug 13, 1:30pm: 1.25mg of nicotine: felt it, kept me up later than has been usual (till 10pm), morning after side effects not too bad. For future use in times of need. [Aug 15: a strange out-of-sorts feeling for a few hours today. Could it be nicotine hangover, 2 days later?] YEAH - fixed sprout sprayer with a spring from Ace Hdwre! (brand Amy has been using) She uses the CBD rich tincture (pinkish label on bottle) Chromebook 500c Jul 2011 "Beloveds, these are some bad, ugly, angry times. And I am so freaked out. Hatred has stolen the conversation. The poor are now voting against themselves. But politics is not about left or right. It’s about up and down. The few screwing the many." - Molly Ivins Aug 10: Mom weighs 93 lbs - Magic Leap, augmented reality company - Uber is now in nearly 80 countries, took in more than $7 billion in revenue last year, investor valued at around $70 billion. - Airbnb is in about 190 countries, brought in $2.6 billion in sales, investor valued at $31 billion. Sherri's quad battery, cold cranking amps 185 Tue Jul 31: Souplantation with Roger, spent the night (dog Harley), drove to Morrison, then hiked near Bear Lake Wed Aug 01: Chili's with Sherri Thu Aug 02: Waterworld - Andrea & Paul & family, Bret & Sue, cabana with Sherri Sat Aug 04: Home Depot kid's project w Drakes; Dale Thompson/Village Inn Sun Aug 05: moved VW with Paul; rodeo with Paul & Jamie Mon Aug 06: Dawn in Longmont; Drakes at Sherri's, swinging & bubbles, "Green Eggs & Ham" Tue Aug 07: Dave G., bike ride, made his caesar salad Wed Aug 08: dropped my bike off at Roger's Thu Aug 09: Mom had surgery staples removed from her head Sat Aug 11: Colo Spgs pow wow Tue Aug 14: mom to clinic, blood test, urine test the next day, which found a UTI. for reading later:
July 2018
Dave will be off Mon thru Wed, Aug 6, 7, 8 Thu Aug 2: Waterworld “Tiny Whoops,” nickname for micro drones, based on the name of the company that trademarked the miniature devices. A quality set of goggles costs between $300 and $500, and the radio that transmits between the drone and controller is around $250. Harley Davidson said an electric motorcycle, known as the LiveWire, is on course to be released next year. English bookstore that promoted Sapiens to bestseller status; does it with other books too. how many juicers have I owned? just 8? 1) Omega centrifugal 2) Champion 3) masticating, horizontal (don't remember brand) 4) Omega masticating, horizontal 5) wheatgrass and soft fruit, manual #1 6) GE (from WalMart, for Dad) 7) wheatgrass and soft fruit, manual #2 8) Angel Senior Games, Colorado Springs, July 27-29th, tennis draw: sjb, week of Aug 30th: Tue, Thu & Sun sjb, week of Aug 23rd: Tue, Thu, & Sun the areas of your life that you're not happy with: "You're never going to feel like it." from Ted talk "For decades, the audiobook market was limited by physical constraints: listeners had to lug around cassette tapes or CDs, and bookstores devoted fewer and fewer shelves to the format. Digital technology upended that. Cellphones now function as audiobook players. People who felt they had little time to read are now listening while they commute, exercise or do chores. Consumers bought nearly 90 million audiobooks in 2016, up from 42 million in 2012, driving audiobook sales up to $2.1 billion....While e-book sales have fallen and print has remained anemic, publishers’ revenue for downloaded audio has nearly tripled in the last five years.... Audible has been aggressively courting authors to create exclusive works for them, dangling six-figure advances that rival what major publishing houses pay.... Mr. Scalzi said he decided to write an audio original in part because he’s seen audiobook sales of his books mushroom, overtaking his digital and hardcover sales. He pointed to his 2014 novel, 'Lock In,' which he said sold 22,500 hardcovers, 24,000 e-books and 41,000 audiobooks." from, June 2, 2018 July 27: started a Lyrics List for My Non-iPod Music Players (located in "MISC (RLS Files)" for now, eventually it'll be an .htm file) moved foam neck pillow history here from Outlooks file: Mar 01, 2018: giving up on the memory foam pillow, the neck issues always recur Oct 21, 2017:: began using memory foam pillow again May 30, 2017: neck issues again; swapping out memory foam pillow for my camping pillow unknown date: began using foam pillow again Nov 18, 2015: neck issues again, stopped using foam pillow May 2015: began using foam pillow again Nov 2014: possible neck issues, not definite; stopped using memory foam pillow again Thu Apr 10, 2014: began using memory foam pillow again Nov 16, 2013: some neck issues noticed; stopped using memory foam pillow July 26: sudden, unexplained death of snowboarder Ellie Soutter. Mystics moved to TapaTalk this month. (put in Omeganauts notes) "account for the newly observed phenomena" Brittany Lincicome, woman golfer playing in men's tournament Barbasol Championship Wimbledon: my predictions for quarters: Fed & Andersen / Raonic & Isner Novak & Gulbis Kei / del Potro & Nadal for semi's: Fed Andersen & Raonic Isner / Novak & Nadal for final: Fed Isner Andersen & Novak winner: Fed Novak Never Married, No Children: April, Ron, Rick, Jan, Warren, Kevin Dawn, Julie, Dale T. Greg B. Jul 13: picked up custom printed shirts from Poway Sign Company, just under $40 colors are a bit muted, but detail is good. wish I'd made the photos larger Tshirt puzzle graphic (final)   Tshirt distillari graphic (final) Watched Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life - The Movie" dvd this month. I liked her affirmation "All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation, only good will come. I am safe." for arthritis pain, Mom has tried: "Mary Jane's cannabis infused pain relief" "Devil's Club Soothing Rub" "_____" Jul 11: Susan Clark gave me a $50 Amazon gift card, appreciation for working on her website! (Back on 3-30-13, she had sent me a $100 card!) Mobile Home for sale in sjb's park, 12826 El Rey Vista, TLC Realty Bounce ride share? (saw this machine at Grossmont Community College - very pricey, about $2,000) (truck that parks in various locations in San Diego and shows a movie on the side) Tue Jul 10: sold Workman one speed trike to Nancy, $120, she'll pay on the 1st of Aug. 858-437-1212 "Namaste, Ya'll" - bumper sticker on neighbor's Nissan Juke car "According to Popper, open societies guarantee and protect rational exchange, while closed societies force people to submit to authority, whether that authority is religious, political or economic." from Guardian article about George Soros (Popper was a big influence on Soros - see "The Open Society and Its Enemies" by Karl Popper (1945) "Cosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community, based on a shared morality.... Cosmopolitanism can be traced back to Diogenes of Sinope." wikipedia "I wear Fatshark Dominator V3 goggles (similar model shown) when I fly my drones so I see what the camera on the front of it sees. It feels like I’m flying. It’s fully immersive." again, wsj "you can give up to $15,000 annually to as many people as you wish and not have the gifts count toward your lifetime exemption for gift taxes (which currently is $11.18 million)." from the wsj July 5: met Cisco Sanchez, car sales; told me of his wonderful trip to Oaxaca (wa-hak-ah). He is going again, with his family, early Nov 2018. Spoke of great reverence given to the elderly. I took a picture of the incredible wooden mask he'd bought there. 619-674-7862c An Interview with Jean Liedloff "“Here’s what you should do,” said a friend. “Hire packers, put everything in storage, and if you haven’t gone to get anything in three years, throw it out.” -wsj article that referenced "Goodbye Things" book "Liquor is not happiness but a respite from unhappiness." a saying noted in "Goodbye Things" Some suggestions from the book to help reduce "things": #34 if you lost it, would you buy it again at full price? #44 say "see you later" before saying "goodbye" (place some of your stuff in a trash bag or container, to be discarded at a later date) Cell Phone repair place on Poway Road M-F 10am-7pm, Sa 10am-6pm, Sun closed (says you'll almost certainly wreck screen when opening, so prepare to replace that too) ======= from comment, on survey people requesting your time: "I start by asking for a charge number so I can bill them at my normal consulting rate - the ones who call hang up fast!" ======= "Investment bubbles are almost always created the same way: someone takes money — maybe cash or debt — from the balance sheet and moves it to the income side of the ledger. This transformation makes profit prospects seem better than they truly are, and the perceived value goes up. The bubble bursts when the balance sheet has no more to give." - from a wsj article on bitcoin, tether, and balance sheet arbitrage Wake therapy on wikipedia July 1: applied for Tercel vehicle retirement - Cap application #3107254 also, subscribed on online (wall street journal), 3 months for $1, then 50% off for a year (@$18 a month) =======
June 2018
senior apartments in Colorado Springs ======= Tomo ballhopper (@$350) What is the difference between a culture and a civilization? "Civilization is a way of life organized by hierarchy and top down institutions. Culture is a manifestation of bottom up phenomenology. Civilizations are usually planned rigid bodies that don't often change. Cultures are generally unplanned self-organizing fluid-like entities. Some places tried to unify this. Such as the Caesaropapacy of Byzantine times. Other times the relationship was institutionalized for efficiency, such as the Ottoman Millet system." - from an AskAnthropology reddit post/comment ======= Jun 27: ¿¿¿ for some reason, the tiny usb backup drive is now labeled G: rather than H: ??? Had to change the batch file letters for that backup, and also the sd card backup (which is now H rather than G) ======= Jun 26: Went into US Bank branch here in Poway to get a debit card. They gave me a temp, regular coming in the mail. The woman said the temp pin would work to reset my US Bank online account, but it didn't work! ======= Jun 25: applied and was accepted for Costco Visa card & mailed visitor app (Jason) Attention: Visting Department Centennial Correctional Facility P.O. Box 600 Canon City, CO 81215 ======= World Cup Messi - Argentina (Barcelona) Ronaldo - Portugal (Real Madrid) Jun 24: contacted Heartwood, made arrangements to stay there on Friday July 20th photo I sent them ( link) A prospective member must read either "Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves" (requested from library) or "Reinventing Community: stories From the Walkways of Cohousing" (ordered this, used, from Amazon) ======= Jun 23: Sienna door pop: un-did the door catch, which fixes the problem for now, until I can do a better repair. replaced sjb trike garage tarp @ Jun 20th: read "Political Tribes" by Amy Chou. Very eye opening, as to the Vietnam War, Afghanastan, Iraq - how an underlying, mostly unseen theme behind these conflicts, was tribal battles between elite minorities who were ruling over working class majorities. She says America may be devolving from a somewhat cohesive "SuperGroup" to one in which such tribal battles come to the forefront. (Came across a recent comment by someone saying America's tribes are idealogical rather than ethnic.) Plan to reread it someday, and read some of her other books on this topic. Read "The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection" by Michael A. Singer He became obsessed and annoyed by his incessant interior monologue. Got into meditation and came to trust Existence to guide his life. Ended up the ceo of a large company, then was arrested for financial fraud (he was set up by the actual fraudster). ======= Jun 18: Depression arrived May 25th, have tried wake therapy, hasn't helped much. For future reference, below is an approximate log. I probably haven't deprived myself of enough sleep, should be 3-4 hours, not 5+. Have tried, but haven't had the will to do it. (depression ended on the 19th) 26: hrs 25: hrs 24: hrs 23: 2.5 hrs, had barely gotten to sleep (1.5 hr nap later) 22: 4 hrs, very early awake 21: 5 hrs, early awake 20: 4.5 hrs stopped trying to do wake therapy, but had sleep issues 19: 4 hrs (up until 6am, much better. Gone?) 18: 4 hrs (up until 6am, better) 17: 11+ hrs 16: 7.5 hrs 15: 5 hrs (36 hour fast) 14: 10+ hrs 13: 5 hrs 12: 5 hrs 11: 5 hrs 10: 4+ hrs 09: 8+ hrs 08: 6+ hrs 07: 5+ hrs 06: 5+ hrs 05: @6 hrs 04: @6 hrs ======= Fri Jun 8: stopped using mouthguard at night. Could it be the cause of the cyst on my face at the left jaw hinge? It had mostly disappeared, I started using the mouthguard again, it returned.
May 2018
======= May 29: Sienna rear door water leak. Applied 2 coats of Flex-Seal, seems to have fixed it for now. Pederson's undured beef hot dogs (sjb and I liked them, very tasty, good texture) May 23: unsubscribed from HiramTenn Twitter emails May 22: I complain to the office, for the 2nd time, about the beehive in the tennis court lights, and they close the tennis court for __ days. May 21: unsubscribed from Vitacost emails ======= May 20: made a new tennis machine log. Here are a few notes from the old one. 10/30/16: purchased Silent Partner (SP) 11/01/16: first time playing with SP. Started with speed at 6, quickly dropped down to 4 12/14/16: had used SP 25 times at this point. 3 month break after this session due to depression. 04/02/17: played for 20 minutes; a week later I was headed for Oregon (Mom's heart operation) 01/04/18: started using SP again; battery not holding a charge for long though. 01/11/18: first session after new battery installed 01/15/18: played 4 times, then top propulsion wheel stopped working 03/21/18: SP repaired (broken wire on motor brush) 04/20/18: used SP 13 times, then top propulsion wheel stopped working again 04/24/18: SP back up; same wire broken; added missing zip tie to hold it steady 04/27/18: begin working on keeping head down 05/11/18: "see" the ball all the way into racket (and keep head down until after striking) makes a big improvement on the pace and depth of my shots! 05/18/18: end of old log; used SP 12 times since last repair, including 2 times without logging ======= May 19: best tennis match yet, still lost though (6-4, 0-6, 3-6) My meal plan was: - LOTS of fluids, until 3 hours before match. Maybe should have made that 3.5 hours - 2 hours before match, had a sprout salad with some mayo and avocado; felt good =======
Apr 2018
not sure where this would go. journal? maybe the book "There Is a Secret - Life as a Virtual Reality"?   Spirit's bar is high. V E R Y high! IT will not let you slide, or grant you any leeway. don juan meant it when he said "impeccable." that is what it takes. that, and even more. no wonder this world moves forward so slowly. IT does not grade on a  curve. ======= "Reality — as in real-world problems which need answers - simply appears not to exist to American elites, who are blissfully ignorant, or in profound denial, happily bickering over who said what about nothing that matters at all.... I don’t see America’s problems even acknowledged at all....American leadership has abdicated its responsibility... to govern its society. It has replaced governance with gossip, scandal, spectacle.... 'Perhaps the theory is 'we will unseat them by shaming them!' Ah, but that overlooks the greatest historical truth about authoritarians. They have no shame..." Umair Haque ======= "Gabe"? - annoyingly loud barking German Shepard near Royal Estates tennis courts (I was calling him/her Rex) ======= banking as a utility (Ellen Brown) ======= 11:11 meetup page: They come and go, these mysterious callings/reminders. I no longer try to understand, only smile, nod, and reply "thank you, ready when you are." I long to meet others who have been so called or reminded. Join this meetup and let's schedule a get together. ======= Kokopelli
======= "The silent miracle of human progress is too slow and too fragmented to ever qualify as news.... Our instinct to notice the bad more than the good is related to three things: the misremembering of the past; selective reporting by journalists and activists; and the feeling that as long as things are bad, it’s heartless to say they are getting better. For centuries, older people have romanticised their youths and insisted that things ain’t what they used to be. Well, that’s true. Most things used to be worse. This tendency to misremember is compounded by the never-ending negative news from across the world. ....When you hear about something terrible, calm yourself by asking: if there had been a positive improvement, would I have heard about that? Even if there had been hundreds of larger improvements, would I have heard?" Guardian article: "Good news at last: the world isn’t as horrific as you think" adapted from the book "Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong about the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think" by Han Rosling et al one of his Ted talks comment on the article "The problem is that good men put their names on books, while bad men put their names on countries." "Globally, some 2 billion people live in communities with no rubbish collections." Guardian article ======= Tue Apr 10: Verbatim wireless mouse stopped working again, this time in Safe Mode. I should have remembered the battery trick, instead I followed Microsoft instructions, removed all USB devices, then rebooted, and the computer wouldn't come up at all, stalled at a grey screen. Then removed the battery, restared, all good. I had been messing around again with the usb mini-drive and other insertable storage. ======= Mon Apr 9: fatality on Community Road =======


Sun Apr 8: Met engineer Cliff Hughes at a 3D printing class at Poway library, he had an arduino board running flashing led lights on a goggle rig he wears, along with an old crank telephone made to look like a sat/cell phone on his backpack. (That's a stock photo above, not Cliff.) He mentioned the films Pirate Planet, Return to Atlantis, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Wild Wild West, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen as having steampunk design/inspiration. San Diego steampunk site ======= to her doctor: "I will come to you if I have a problem, but do not go looking for problems." Barbara Ehrenreich, author of "Natural Causes" from Guardian articleWhen do you know you're old enough to die? "When someone works for less pay than she can live on ... she has made a great sacrifice for you .... The "working poor" ... are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own children so that the children of others will be cared for; they live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny and perfect; they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone." from her book "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America" ======= "....the European nation-state structure was exported everywhere.... Capital could not flow unchecked across borders. ....We can all see the growing fury at governments that refuse to fulfill their old moral promise – but it is most probable that they no longer can. Western governments possess nothing like their previous command over national economic life, and if they continue to promise fundamental change, it is now at the level of PR and wish fulfilment. ....The predicament is this: political authority is running on empty, and leaders are unable to deliver meaningful material change. Instead, they must arouse and deploy powerful feelings..." from Guardian essay The Demise of the Nation State by Rana Dasgupta. His next book, After Nations, will appear in 2019 ======= "Well, she's dead wrong, but apologize to her for fighting with her - and sign it [prenup, Carly Simon's 2nd husband Jim]. Because if you love someone, apologizing when you're wrong doesn't count. Only apologizing even though you're right counts." from p 479 "Girls Like Us" by Sheila Weller (bio of Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon) ======= Apr 6, unsubscribed from Nieman Storyboard emails Apr 4, sent email requesting cancellation of AARP membership =======
Mar 2018
======= Mar 28: bought 30 pressureless tennis balls from WalMart 18 Athletic Works, $8.66 (48 cents each) - I colored them black 12 Penn, $7.44 (62 cents each) - I colored them blue ======= yellow bikes in San Diego OfO bicycle rental/sharing company ======= rules for nonfiction writers from here - memory sucks, the interviewee & the writer. Record it. - She encourages journalists to “read above your station.” - "the reading public is more hungry and sophisticated than we give it credit for. What is this convention in journalism that every reader has to get every line? They don’t". ======= What size bike frame do I need? My bicycling inseam is @30". A bike frame of around 18" should fit. My Bianchi is __". The Workman trike is __". The Gormier trike is __". To figure out your ideal top tube length, do the following math: (torso length + arm length) / 2 = x x – 6 = top tube length Bike frame sizing: Identify the top of the seat tube, where the seat clamp holds the seat post. Identify the center of the bottom bracket (it's the axle that holds the crank arms together). Measure the distance between the two points (C-T) - this is the length of the seat tube. Leg Length Size: The distance between the floor and your crotch. Also known as your bicycling inseam. This is more accurate than height when determining if the bike will fit you. ======= (Check this site out in a few months - nothing much there now. It's goal is to help people interact with tech in a more healthful way. To reduce "junk tech.") ======= Weinstein movies box office Django Unchained was their biggest hit?!? (Remember, this is Weinstein, not Miramax.) ======= akrasia – weakness of will; acting contrary to what we know is in our best interest. Steps to overcoming procrastination: It's not a time problem, it is a feeling issue. We can schedule a task, but when the time comes, we "don’t feel like it,” so we put it off. 1. Acknowledge your feelings; don't pay attention to them per se. Have the feelings, don't become them. 2. Focus on your behavior. What can you actually do? What’s the next action? 3. Take that small action. You may not feel like it. Take the action anyway. 4. It is this simple, and it is this difficult. The simple part is the focus on behavior and small steps. The difficult part is the volitional skill to keep focused while acknowledging the emotions that are working against this. The key thing is that our emotions come and go, they follow our behavior, and they should not be the sole determinant of our behavior. (from the blog of Timothy A. Pychyl, author of "Solving the Procrastination Puzzle" ======= these are current SproutHouse prices, per pound, for comparison when I go to Optimum Health: alfalfa $20 broccoli $24 kale $35 wheat $13.50 (for 25 lbs, from Montana Grain) ======= cinematographer (DP) heads up the camera, grip and electric departments, which puts them in charge of the biggest crew on set. ======= an acre is equal to about a football field in area =======
spark opportunity? =======
Feb 2018
"The truth is that physics is a tool for prediction..... Physics is in the business of predicting the behaviour of matter, not revealing its intrinsic nature." from an essay "our world is filled with viewers, not readers." - Twinkle Khanna, Indian author of "The Legend of Lakshmi Prasad" from literary quotes postcards, nytimes: “Wit is well-bred insolence.” - Aristotle “One always begins to forgive a place as soon as it’s left behind.” - Charles Dickens politics: the art of the possible 'ordering your surroundings' "not a whodunnit, rather a 'can they do it?'" ======= Feb 25: upgraded sjb's Mac Mini to High Sierra OSX ======= ayahuasca retreat center in Costa Rico, called Rythmia, @$300 a night read about it in this article ======= William 'Strata' Smith (1769-1839) was an English geologist, credited with creating the first nationwide geological map. His discoveries were ignored by the scientific community, perhaps due to his relatively humble education and lack of connections. His maps were copied and sold, he was financially ruined, and spent time in debtors' prison. It was only late in his life that Smith received recognition for his accomplishments, and became known as the "Father of English Geology". ======= A matrilineal society in China: Mosuo ======= Juicing with the Angel: wheatgrass, half tray: @15 min wheatgrass, full tray: @30 min vege juice, ____ : @1 hour (25 min prep, 23 min juicing, 15 min cleanup) ======= The "Snob Hit," a play that had good attendance but few really enjoyed, they mostly went because seeing it was obligatory for a theater lover. Snob Hits: - have a literary counterpart: the unread best seller - usually have a British influence (theater is "good" for you and British is better) - should be at least a little unintelligible (the 'average' theatergoer won't understand or like it) - the Broadway audience will suffer only one snob hit per year "There are no rules on Broadway, and one of them is this: art must be both fresh and inevitable; you must surprise an audience in an expected way." p119 (some notes from William Goldman's "The Season" - 1969) ======= "a society in which the expression of opinion has been dramatically democratised, while the distribution of everything else that matters (political power, money) has only grown more starkly unequal. As the history of the focus group shows, elites have always been more than happy to give us a microphone. To get more than that, you have to have a strategy, and a theory of how you might take power. Even our forms of dissent mirror the ritual of the focus group. We cannot remain trapped in the conversation, as pleasurable as it is. We need to learn to shift our talk: from giving voice to organising, persuading and challenging. This kind of talk is harder work, but it is where political change actually occurs." (from a Guardian article about focus groups) ======= 'shift the mainstream cultural narrative' "intelligent people who are trained to not deceive themselves.... self-honesty and ability to pay attention...." (from a podcast with philosopher Bernardo Kastrup) ======= 02/03: Went to an open house: 13232 Buena Vista Street; 2 bdrm, 2 bath, sunken tub, granite countertops, wood floors, 1,464 sq ft, made in 1973; $124,000 ======= Sat Feb 3rd, Healing Horse directions to: Sat 11am - 12:20pm War Horse Ranch 3712 Valle Del Sol Bonsall, CA 760-621-0002 I-15 North to exit 41 for Gopher Canyon Rd toward Old Castle Rd Take Camino Del Rey to Valle Del Sol 17 min (8.6 mi) Right onto Gopher Canyon Rd 315 ft Left at the 1st cross street onto N Old Hwy 395 1.0 mi Left onto Camino Del Rey 4.6 mi keep right to stay on Camino Del Rey 0.3 mi Continue onto Olive Hill Rd 1.1 mi Left onto Vía Puerta Del Sol 0.6 mi Right onto Valle Del Sol 1.0 mi War Horse Ranch 3712 Valle Del Sol Bonsall, CA 92003 Her directions: Take the 76 to Olive Hill Rd and go north. Take left on Via Puerto Del Sol and right on Valle Del Sol. We are at War Horse Ranch on your left.
Jan 2018
Jan 29, 1st time with RSO oil Kaya Collective, ORGANIC RICK SIMPSON OIL 1ML $45 thc: 688.43 mg cbd: 5.72 mg cbn: 4.7mg ORGANIC 1:1 RICK SIMPSON OIL 1ML $45 Full extract cannabis oil (FECO) thc: 303.13 mg cbd: 298.27 mg = = = = = Poway TV antenna questions: (Got answers Jan 2018) - is this a tv antenna? YES - do you get all the local channels? YES, most of them anyway - quality of signal? Good, I think she said. - where did you buy the antenna? Didn't ask this. It was a pricey antenna. - does the office need to okay the installation? She didn't ask for permission. - how is it installed? what type of pole? metal pole, attached to side of house - any trouble getting the antenna aligned? SOME, YES = = = = = from a comment to a review of "Invisible Armies" "It is an uncomfortable fact that the general trend in warfare from ancient times to the present has been an increase in the ratio of civilian casualties to military casualties." .... I disagree - and would cite the Roman habit (circa 100 BC to 400 AD), of enslaving and shipping out the civilian population of conquered territories; not to mention the various tribal expansions (taking Europe only), where the victors killed off all the males older than 10 - all the older females and enslaved (and bred off), the fertile females. This was not a matter of racial purity, just simply the quickest way to expand the tribe, that they were not specifically "Celts", Goths, whatever, was rarely important. More children - big tribes (battalions?), win. I would further cite the depopulation of Central Europe over the Thirty Years War - something that took over 150 years to adjust." ("Invisible Armies" author is a fellow of Council of Foreign Relations - in other words, someone employed to dispense cabal bs) Jan 23, Seagate backup not working. Started Seagate Service, then it worked. troubleshoot: uninstall: get software: Jordan Peterson (myth, bible): site    YouTube Fri Jan 19: replaced sjb's kitchen faucet Bob Bloyd's guestbook A meetup, Sat Jan 27, 9:30am, Poway Some year end Guardian reads: Soil recipe: (from Top Soil – 1 part Dried Manure – 1 part Peat – 2 parts Sand – 1 part In place of the peat, you may use shredded coconut husks.
Dec 2017

Keto log

Sun Dec 31: @g carbs
Sat Dec 30: @g carbs
Fri Dec 29: @g carbs
Thu Dec 28: @g carbs
Wed Dec 27: @g carbs
Tue Dec 26: @g carbs
Mon Dec 25: @g carbs Fast until ?pm.
Sun Dec 24: @5g carbs Fast. Had only coffee with butter & half and half, plus 1/2 cup of broth. Began using keto stix in a cup, much darker this way. fasting glucose:75
Sat Dec 23: @4g carbs Fast. Had only coffee with butter & half and half, plus 1/2 cup of broth
Fri Dec 22: ? carbs fathead pizza for dinner
Thu Dec 21: ? carbs made vege juice, went downhill after
Wed Dec 20: 23g carbs fasting glucose:87
Tue Dec 19: 34g carbs included a beer
Mon Dec 18: 30g carbs Fast until 3pm
Sun Dec 17: 4g carbs Fast. Had only coffee with butter & half and half, plus 1/2 cup of broth
Sat Dec 16: 17g carbs
Fri Dec 15: 30g carbs fasting glucose:106
Thu Dec 14: less than 20g carbs Fast until 6pm. am: ketostix = nothing. fasting glucose:102
Wed Dec 13: less than 5g carbs Fast. Had only coffee with butter & half and half, plus 1/2 cup of broth
Tue Dec 12: didn't measure carbs Feel fairly good, no drive though.
Mon Dec 11: didn't measure carbs Had a fairly good day, detailed Tercel.
Sun Dec 10: didn't measure carbs 3 hours of sleep, feeling better. Am going to up my carbs for a few days, then try very low carbs for a few days later this week
Sat Dec 09: less than 25g carbs Had a very very hard pm and evening. Finally had another 5 grams of carbs and did a wake therapy night.
Fri Dec 08: less than 20g carbs Awoke early feeling way better! Due to large microdose yesterday? Still barely in keto.
Thu Dec 07: 20g carbs Having early wakeups, 3am this morning, couldn't go back to sleep. Again, no t.p. needed. Very low energy, no drive at all. Not quite as depressed tonight. Did a large microdose today (10µg, first time).
Wed Dec 06: less than 20g carbs Began using cronometer meal tracking. No energy or drive. Barely need toilet paper. After dinner became very depressed again.
Tue Dec 05: @20-30 carbs Barely in keto this morning. Low drive, better about 10am. Continued less underarm b.o. Brief headaches come and go. Late pm: VERY depressed.
Mon Dec 04: @20-30 carbs fair energy/drive in am, then steady downward in pm. That evening was compulsive about food and very thirsty. Ate more chicken than I should have, maybe.
Sun Dec 03: @20-30 carbs 4am, in keto; feeling better, somewhat clear-headed, feeling some drive coming on!; had a sharp headache at one point, lasted about 10 minutes
Sat Dec 02: @ 30g carbs okay in am, very down and depressed afternoon & evening
Fri Dec 01: < 10g carbs nothing noticed
Thu Nov 30: < 10g carbs Begin keto experiment, eating less than 30g of carb per day
revert to old/classic yahoo mail: - be logged in - click on this link = = = = = Sat Dec 2, 2017: Verbatim wireless mouse stops working. Tried another usb mouse, it wouldn't work either. Trackpad still worked, fortunately. After researching, tried disabling devices (didn't work), then tried unplugging laptop and removing battery overnight. The next morning the usb mouse worked. A week later, it happened again. Shutting down and briefly removing battery is all it took. Seems to be happening when I remove and reinstall the usb mini-drive while the laptop is in hibernation. Next time, don't reinstall the drive until the laptop is awake. Sat Feb 3, 2018: mouse stops working again, shutdown and battery removal does the trick. Had not used the usb mini-drive this time. Laptop has frozen up though. Sat Dec 2: receive jury summons. I postponed this to May 10, 2018. Friday Dec 1: Suddenly, my 16 gig iPod Touch begins to stop playing music for unknown reason. Tried rebooting, recharging. Next, change headphones, see if that has anything to do with it. [SOLVED?: recharged battery, didn't do it again.]

Nov 2017
shroom grow kit Getting Started with Keto net carbs spreadsheet from C2C, Nov 7th: 1:23, 1:35:40 in the mindset of Samkhya(?): unseen world: perfect knowledge but the inability to act material world: partial knowledge with the perfect ability to act from Laird Scranton finish exploring this doctor's website (keto/ Tue Nov 7, 2017: mailed order for "Biking on Rusty Ribbons of Steel" Tue Nov 7, 2017: Word kept trying to reinstall every time I opened a Word document. Fixed it by running the command below in the run window. (got this here)
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options /v NoReReg /t REG_DWORD /d 1

next adventures

C L E A N S E ! ! ! - horses? - sailing?


- yoga stick figures - Tamara blood test results - Simplicity Visa card - callenetics guide -
Stuff I did not bring on the Spring 2017 road trip (and wish I had)
  • - electronics bag!!!!! (ear inspector, watt meter, phono to headphone jack, stereo to mono plug, iPod controller, headphone/speaker extension cord, extra hdmi cables, walkie-talkies, coax cable splitter)
  • - dish cloths, polyester (or whatever they are)
  • - glue gun
  • - paint brushes
  • - yoga socks
  • - micro gram scale
  • - brown vege & bottle brushes
  • - blank cds/dvds
  • - magnets
  • - can opener!
  • - red rubber gasket material
  • - painting coveralls
  • - ear irrigator
  • - Struble 8mm avi's
  • - green tools bag
  • - paint marker pens
  • - carpet protecting plastic
  • - propane torch, solder, and flux
  • - full sewing kit (hat strings tightener, )
  • - liquid measuring cup
  • - soldering iron!
  • - iron on transfers for t-shirts
  • - some of my projects (battery testing setup, )
  • - essential oils kit
  • - all sections of sewing kit
  • -

no alc 07-11 thru 0- ( days, then ) no alc 07-03 thru 07-07 (5 days, then cheap wine) no alc 06-14 thru 06-27 (14 days, then Zima) Tramadol: 6-__-17: ct 6-12-17: 77ct 6-02-17: 78ct
Oct 2017
Unity church: 1945 Mesa Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 9am and 11am services - current calendar founded in 1922; Mom's China: Brentwood by NASCO (JAPAN) Item#: 69972 Pattern Code: NASBRE their current stock how to pack video Ever Widening Circles (optimistic articles about the world) Straight Dope (with message board) Shroomery (with message board) Bird Lounge dvds I liked, never labeled: Absence of Malice - Paul Newman Animal Crackers - Marx Brothers Animal House - John Belushi Arsenic and Old Lace - Cary Grant As Good As It Gets - Jack Nicholson Birds, The - dir: Alfred Hitchkock Bridge on the River Kwai, The - William Holden Casablanca - Bogart, Bergman Cool Hand Luke - Paul Newman Dirty Dozen, The Duck Soup - Marx Brothers Electric Horseman, The - Redford, Fonda Fiddler on the Roof Forbidden Planet - (science fiction) Heaven Can Wait - Warren Beatty It Happened One Night - dir: Frank Capra Jerry McGuire - Tom Cruise Little Big Man - Dustin Hoffman Maltese Falcon, The - Humphrey Bogart My Favorite Year - Peter O'Toole Nashville - dir: Robert Altman Our Town Psycho - dir: Alfred Hitchkock Random Harvest Rear Window - dir: Alfred Hitchkock Seven Samurai, The Silence of the Lambs, The Steel Magnolias Sting, The - Newman, Redford Support Your Local Gunfighter To Catch a Thief - dir: Alfred Hitchkock To Kill a Mockingbird Tootsie - Dustin Hoffman Victor/Victoria You Can't Take It With You - dir: Frank Capra Guardian, long read: smartphone addiction (delete this later) reddit: Psychedelics May Effectively Treat Mental Illness (couldn't save, for some reason)
Sept 2017
SouperSalad menu Mexican restaurants: Bean Bandit 320 N Circle Dr Senor Manuel 4660 N Nevada Ave Jose Maldoon 222 N Tejon St Mariscos Altamar (seafood, Boyd wants to go with us) 3105 S Academy Blvd 2Luchos 2810 S. Academy Blvd Sunrise Ranch notes from website - Honoring Universal Being - 123-acre farm in Eden Valley when it was purchased in 1945 - 63 years of dedicated land restoration and chemical-free farming - - This is why Sunrise Ranch is flourishing.... "Medicare and You" handbook - 2018
TMobile Pay As You Go Plans Simply Prepaid: $45 / unlimited talk & text / 4 gig / hotspot / Mexico for $5 more a month (Not for extended international use)??? Pay As You Go: $3 / 30 minutes or 30 msgs (additonal 10¢ each); data & hotspot requires a data pass; no Mexico
demo an HTC Vive VR game: Gamestop 1275 E Magnolia St Ft Collins CO 80524 Redbox locations from Mom's apt: 303 S Circle Dr 11 minutes 2802 E Pikes Peak Ave 7 minutes 1910 E Fountain Blvd 4 min
August 2017
Jason visitor applications for Donna & Rick, Wed Aug 30, 2017 Passport renewal, Mon Wed Aug 28, 2017
July 2017
My Nikon COOLPIX L18 camera battery tests (July 9, 10): 1 hour 36 minutes of avi filming on a fresh charge of EneLoop rechargeables 57 minutes of avi filming on a fresh charge of Frys rechargeables 1 hour 10 minutes of avi filming on a fresh charge of Amazon rechargeables 12-15 minutes is the extent on a new set of Duracells (bad batch!?) U-Haul info: "U-Box" is @$1,300 4'8" x 7'6" x 7' tall plane ticket, one way, @$300 Sat July 1: bought used Troy-Bilt lawnmower thru craigslist, $75 Tyler (Air Force recruiter) 1065 Crocker St Coos Bay / North Bend 870-834-9879

June 2017

@$2,000: Sutherlin Painting's estimate to replace 3 siding panels, plus the section on the roof under the A Michelle (sjb) uses psychic in El Cajon that she likes Mercola's recommended insulin levels: between 2 and 3 sjb's: 4.2
King of the Road by Roger Miller Trailer for sale or rent, rooms to let, fifty cents. No phone, no pool, no pets, I ain't got no cigarettes Ah, but, two hours of pushin' broom Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room I'm a man of means by no means, king of the road. Third boxcar, midnight train, destination, Bangor, Maine. Old worn out clothes and shoes, I don't pay no union dues, I smoke old stogies I have found short, but not too big around I'm a man of means by no means, king of the road. I know every engineer on every train All of their children, and all of their names And every handout in every town And every lock that ain't locked, when no one's around. I sing, trailers for sale or rent, rooms to let, fifty cents No phone, no pool, no pets, I ain't got no cigarettes Ah, but, two hours of pushin' broom Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room I'm a man of means by no means, king of the road. Bandon gas station, attendent Jason, interested in Mom's Tercel wagon "Earth loves all her resident life forms" from "Messages from Matthew," June 2, 2017

May 2017 (Memorial Day weekend, FaceRock) 541-808-4496c e: facegook: Circles in the Sand instagram: Circles_In_The_Sand
(unsent - a 15 minute hiccup of irrationality) Dear Pirate Joes, Is the Trader Joe's legal action still in progress? If so, have you considered getting the court of public opinion involved? What Trader Joe's is doing to Pirate Joe's would not set well with a great many of their customers, if the facts were to become known. Would you be willing to talk with me about this? I suspect neither of us would want to unleash the power of the internet on a company I think we both love and value. And yet, why are they doing this? Who are you hurting? In what way are you harming Trader Joes? If you'd prefer to let the judicial courts handle this, I'll understand, and stand down. If you'd like to explore other ideas, please let me know a number, time, and day I might reach you for a short discussion. Respectfully, Anonymous
DRILLING GLASS - the bit will want to wander as you start drilling. To give the bit a foothold, tape a small scrap of dense cardboard (like cereal box cardboard) to the glass. Begin at very low rpm to create a dimple in the glass, then remove the cardboard and continue at about 400 rpm. If you're drilling on a horizontal surface, you can pour a little oil on the area. - Make sure the glass is firmly supported on the backside and place only very light pressure on the drill; press too hard and you'll crack the glass. The bit creates a clean hole on the side it enters, but usually chips the edges of the hole on the other side. - do not use the drill’s full power. Think about the drilling like you are slowly carving away at glass rather than drilling a hole in it. This will help you slow down the process. - tape the inside and outside of the glass you will be drilling with packaging tape or painter’s tape This will stop the glass from splintering. - When drilling glass, you should keep the drill at low or medium speeds. When you are close to breaking through, slow it down even more because this is when the glass can be the most fragile.
Bandon house for sale for over a year, was by owner, now Century 21
815 10th St SW Bandon, OR 97411 3 bd, 2 bath, $340,000 (was $300,000)
BitCoins: (best explanation I've found so far: and there are some other articles linked there) (another, more detailed explanation: ) Lysergi 1p-lsd 5ct of 100mg tabs purchased May 2, 2017 $75 total, so $15 per tab; $10.70 each when including the two free tabs

April 2017

"I just do not believe in free love with no consequences. Every sexual contact causes the mix of koshas (energy layers that ancient yoga texts explain in great detail). Every contact of the bodies offers the exchange of such energies that can be long lasting (yogis say it takes up to 7 years to have the smallest essence of those particles leave the body). I personally would not want anyone's emotional baggage and negative energy traces trapped in my body for such a period of time. And with a multitude of partners, things can only get worse." from an Amazon review of Pinchbeck's book "How Soon Is Now" ?true? "Almost without exception, everything society has considered a social advance has been prefigured first in some utopian writing." David Cooperrider Randy Alward, "Play the Game"
WHEATGRASS IMPLANTS, 2016: Wed Oct 5, 2oz, @1.5 hours Fri Sept 30, 2oz, @20 minutes unknown earlier dates, about 3 or 4 times, 2oz, absorbed ========= COFFEE/TEA TREATMENTS, 2016: Mon Oct 10, @16 ozs, coffee, 15 min @16 ozs, chamomile tea, 15 min Sun Oct 9, @16 ozs, coffee, 15 min @16 ozs, chamomile tea, 15 min Sat Oct 8, @16 ozs, chamomile tea, 15 min @16 ozs, chamomile tea, 15 min Fri Oct 7, @16 ozs, coffee (swallowed 1/2 Tbsps castor oil, 5 hours earlier) Sat Oct 1, @12 ozs, 1 hour unknown earlier date, 2oz, absorbed unknown earlier date, 2oz, absorbed, brought on devastating depression of about 8 hours
Hwy 99 rest areas @ 109 - loud trains! Hwy 5 rest areas Calif: @ 559 - south of this marker, north of Sacramento @ 586 @ 610 - Willows @ 633 - (CLOSED) @ 657 - south of this marker @ 695 @ 753 - Weed CA @ 786 Oregon: @ 45B - Rogue Valley @ 63 @ 99 - Seven Feathers
sjb's Reverse Osmosis (R.O. / RO) filter readings 12-12-2017: 50 (Poway tap: 250) 04-04-2017: 77 (after filters replacement) 04-04-2017: 96 (before filters replacement?) 3-22-2017: 123 (after 18 months) Sept 2015, at initial install of R.O. filters Poway tap: 455, 411 R.O.: 33, 27 Kirkland: 20 boiled R.O.: 40, two times: 48 water store: 5, 11 Vons vending machine: 6, 12 Sprouts vending machine: 11, 17
"A person would never - if they were in their right mind - choose to be a shaman." Paul Levy in "Awakened by Darkness"
Giant Bubble Recipe ingredients: SLURRY LIQUID Rubbing alcohol / isopropyl alcohol (50% or higher) / grain alcohol, plus a bit of glycerine GUAR GUM 1.5 grams / 1/4 slightly heaping teaspoon (0.3ml) WATER 1000 grams / 1 liter BAKING POWDER 2 grams / 1/2 slightly heaping teaspoon (about .6 ml) DETERGENT 40-65 grams / 8 tsp. to 13 tsp. (40-65 ml) (start with 50 grams - vary up and down as needed) directions: - mix guar gum and slurry liquid together first, enough liquid to coat the powder let the gum hydrate a little while - mix slurry and a portion of the water together let the gum hydrate a while longer - mix in the rest of the water - add baking powder - add detergent - ENJOY!
Impressions of my first visit to ECETI - April 2016 Mt Adams
I volunteered to work at ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) to help them prepare for the opening of their 2016 season. I worked half a day on Fri Apr 22 and a full day on Sat Apr 23. Pulling up to the gate of the property, the first thing noticed were all the signs on the perimeter fences, warning law enforcement and federal agencies that they did not have permission to enter. Some of the wording was eccentric ("posse comitatus," "an official consulate of the OITC {Office of the International Treasury Control}," "non-combatant, neutral in the public, at peace with - and an ally of - the Crown.") There was also a "Be At Peace" placard, but all the legalese filled warning signs suggested some fear and paranoia. Past the main gate, attached to trees, were two large wood "posters" illustrating a staff-carrying shepherd figure in biblical style dress waving or motioning to a saucer shaped craft in the sky.
Mt Adams
Then came the most impressive physical feature of ECETI: an awesome view of Mt Adams, a 12,000 foot snow covered mountain, that stands practically in the ECETI front yard. The view is breathtaking; a cliched term, but fully applicable. Upon arriving, A.R., a long-term volunteer, proceeded to give me an extensive tour and orientation. This was an excellent introduction and set a wonderful, welcoming tone. He then left me on my own, to wander and explore, until work was set to begin at 10:30am. The grounds looked much like any older farm/ranch, with a mix of new and old buildings, working and abandoned tools and equipment. Work that day meant cleaning out the huge basement of the conference center, which had flooded back in November. Many items were still soaking wet and the musty smell and obvious mold growth made for uncomfortable working conditions. By the time lunch came a couple hours later, I was weak and tired from all the trips up the steep stairs, and sick to my stomach, perhaps from the mold. (Or it may have been from eating a hardboiled duck egg, which more than once seemed to bring on nausea.) Feeling very poorly, I couldn't face an afternoon in those same conditions, so left for the day. Returned the next morning, happy (and impressed) that the crew had finished work in the moldy basement. Many new volunteers were there, and a few more came during the morning. Work was not organized or led well. Finally, on their own, the volunteers began transferring trash from the temporary holding pen to the dumpster. Around 11am James held a demonstration of using dowsing rods to determine what and where crops should be planted in the garden. Lunch was promised soon after, but when it didn't come quickly, most volunteers returned to work. Pizza, salad, and a berry/greens smoothie for lunch. The kitchen is so small and overflowing, it is a mystery to me how they ever host large gatherings. An hour or so after lunch, the trash transfer project was completed. Joseph assigned me and another volunteer to sweeping up the conference room. One area of bare floor had been used by a cat as a litter box, for many months. Yuch. Nearing 5pm, I called it quits. Took a quick look around, but as was often the case, no residents were to be found. (I sent a goodbye thank you post card once I got home.) I pulled away from ECETI very glad I'd visited, assured of their sincerity, though not sure if or when I might return. Cold weather and overcast skies had prevented any opportunity to witness the mysterious lights said to regularly move about the mountain.
my postcard to ECETI

Vanishing Point - 1997 Fox tv movie - starring Viggo Mortensen Kowalski and his cool white Challenger reimagined, equipped with a cell phone this time. He's speeding like a maniac because his wife is in the hospital, clinging to life during a difficult delivery, and he couldn't get a flight home soon enough. The dj is a sideburned, white, slightly rednecked dude, wearing a "Live Free or Die" baseball cap. No music though. Police assume he must be a "TERRORIST" (because that's the only bad guys that count these days). Lame lines, bad acting by the walk (drive?) ons. A couple cops, driving an unmarked black muscle car, are offended when he eludes them, and so begins a movie length pursuit, ignoring jurisdictions and common sense. Early on, they even fire a shotgun at him at high speed (yeah right). Cool scene where K, in a flashback, helps a sexy game warden release a cougar that has, for some inexplicable reason, been leashed to a tree. K beds her afterwards, and they marry. A black man takes the role of Dean Jagger, the snake wrangler. He somehow knows a chopper is coming and that it is black, before it's in sight. The "whirlybird" comes into view, and before they're spotted, the two men are able to conceal his ride with branches and hide behind a tall bush, even in this sparse desert. The black man asks for a ride to the Indian rez. When they arrive, black dude hands K the basket of rattlers and points to a modest mountain peak. K, in need of gasoline, apparently forgets his wife and his urgent attempt to reach her. He climbs the steep hill where he finds an Indian spouting trite ___. This "medicine man" stays well informed atop his mountain airie, as he has seen the CNN updates about K. The two take time for a sweatbath in the nude (I am not kidding you), then K is on his way (somehow got gasoline, didn't catch that part). Next K meets a blonde woman riding a cycle on the salt flats. She takes him to her desert place. Her conspiracy minded housemate helps K bypass the police roadblock up ahead. Then K learns that his wife died in childbirth, so he revs up the Challenger and going 150mpg+, hits the two bulldozers blocking the road. A vision is shown of him rejoining his wife in heaven. If there was anything better here than the original, I didn't see it.
my mixing of koshas: - Dustin's mother 1977? - T.D. early 1980's? - Eric's mother 1985 - lawnmowing customer (affair) 1985 - A.N. 1986? - S.B. 1990? - S.R. 1997 - E.L.R. 2017(almost)
Disability Timeline 0ct 29, 2010: first applied Feb 16, 2011: denied Apr 11, 2011: appealed Sep 07, 2011: denied 2nd time Oct 02, 2011: 2nd appeal May 15, 2012: notice of hearing Sep 06, 2012: teleconference hearing, declared officially disabled by bipolar Nov nn, 2012: $28k in backpay
A 4 question mini-quiz: is this the right person for you?: - Would you like to be more like this person? - Would you like to have a child with this person? - Would you like to have a child who was like this person? - Would you feel okay spending the rest of your life with this person if this person were never to change? Barbara DeAngelis in "The Right Person For You?" For myself, I might add: - does this person do any activity that can stir kundalini? - does this person eat healthy? - does this person love animals and children? - is this person fun? remember, a conscious relationship will lead us to work on our stuff what stuff will this person bring? In the end, it should be Spirit, not a series of questions, that chooses your partner. If you do take a lover, protect her heart.

my aspiring filmmaker bio Have always been passionate and intense about movies. As a pre-teen I'd record soundtracks for ViewMaster slides and silent 8mm short films, then project them on a sheet in the garage and charge the neighbor kids a nickel to watch. After high school I got a job at a motion picture laboratory. Did the grunt work of prepping the dailies, attaching the magnetic cues for work prints, and even some color timing. I loved it! In my 20's I bought a Super 8 sound camera and made several shorts. Won best film of the year two years running at a PBS station competition in Denver Colorado. At the age of 26 I gave up on filmmaking. I knew I didn't want to work in Hollywood and couldn't see any other viable route to making a living as a filmmaker. This was long before digital video, personal computers, and the internet. It's all changed now! Too late for me? Time will tell.
my review of David Icke's "The Biggest Secret" (date unknown, never posted) Four stars, awarded not because I believe all the information in this book, but because it made me question some of my most basic assumptions. I've long wondered which of our many fools will have the last laugh. Seems most every generation has at least one person whose ideas are so far ahead of everyone else that they are laughed at and ridiculed. Then 50 or 100 years later the rest of us get a clue and find out the fool was right after all. Could David Icke be one of those fools? I agree with other reviewers that the info in this book is difficult to swallow. Even though I've had an overwhelming feeling since childhood that something is not right here, that the sorry state of this world cannot adequately be accounted for by humanity's immaturity, I find the immense conspiracies posited in this book hard to believe. However, the fact that something is hard to believe is alone not enough reason to assume it's false. Many Amazon reviewers have lamented the lack of proof in this book. I too would like hard proof, but what would we skeptics accept? A photo of a shape shifting alien? No, too easily faked. Government documents verifying some of these allegations? Again, easily faked, and why trust someone in government any more than an investigative reporter? Short of a large number of these supposed conspirators coming forth, confessing and offering abundant testimony (this is actually happening in regard to the apparent ufo coverup - see, maybe the best we can hope for is the voluminous circumstantial case that Icke makes in this book. Finally, a response to the many reviewers who wonder why, if these conspirators are so powerful and pervasive, Icke (and other writers) are allowed to reveal this information. One, not that many people read. What percentage of the population read anything outside the mainstream? 5%? Probably much less. And most of those reading this book are not going to believe it - it just seems too unlikely. So the number of David Icke (and his ilk) readers are little threat to this conspiracy. There is also a theory that the covert conspiracy Icke and others claim has been going on for thousands of years is preparing to become overt. While in the past a few controlling the many has required subterfuge, advanced technology may make this unnecessary. Once all humans are microchipped and thus easily located, living in a cashless society where the click of an evil bureaucrat's mouse denies any misbehaving human the ability to buy or sell anything, the bad guys don't have to hide anymore. Okay, but that day is not here yet, so why would they allow Icke to keep publishing his books and tapes? Perhaps because part of their plan is to keep the masses fearful and hopeless. I dare anyone to read The Biggest Secret and allow themselves to imagine our situation if what he writes is true. What chance would humanity have against a technologically advanced alien species that seems to be multidimensional, perhaps even able to time travel? Movies can suggest that our indomitable spirit combined with a computer virus (Independence Day) would save us, but realistically we'd have less chance than tribal cultures had of surviving modern civilization's conquest. Icke says our only solution is through the use of metaphysical and spiritual tools. I am not much heartened by this thought, considering how few people are able to use such tools without becoming slaves to one of the many dogma sprewing systems that Icke catalogues in his books. I have two hopes. One, that Icke (and my gut feeling about this world) is wrong and that all its ills are just the result of our species immaturity, and we'll grow up before it's too late. Two, if the gist of this book IS true, then hopefully there are other extraterrestrials out there who are as loving as the reptilians are selfish, and that they will help us to help ourselves out of this predicament.
Fasting program (FCI) TRANSITION IN (3-5 days): 2 meals only, first meal fruit, second meal veges, all raw, no grazing, additional piece of fruit first thing in the morning allowed. As much raw juice as you want. FASTING: Morning - scrape tongue - enema (water with cup of camomile tea and 4-8 drops of lemon juice, hold for 15 minutes) - skin brushing - warm cup of broth - a liquid vitamin/mineral supplement - tea at mid-morning if desired Midday - 8-12 oz of fruit juice (strained, no pulp) - tea at mid-afternoon if desired Late afternoon - 8-12 oz vege juice (strained, no pulp) Evening - another glass of fruit or vege juice or broth if desired - exercise or massage Bedtime - warm cup of broth TRANSITION OUT (various lengths, 4 days for a 30 day program): Continue the regular program, adding 1 T bran and 1 T flax seed to broth. Continue enemas until a natural bowel movement occurs. Day 1- one apple for breakfast, small veggie salad for lunch Day 2- 6 soaked prunes or figs for breakfast, small veggie salad for lunch, veggie soup for dinner (like broth without straining). Also 2 apples whenever. Day 3- same as 2 with 12 raw almonds at breakfast, full size veggie salad for lunch, baked potato and a slice or two of bread with dinner soup. Day 4- same as 3, with grain cereal added to breakfast and entree of choice added to dinner. BROTH RECIPE - 1 cup beets - 1 cup carrots - 1 cup celery - 2 medium potatoes, any kind - 1 cup optional veggies (greens, broccoli, mushrooms, etc) - 1.5-2 quarts of water Simmer for 30 minutes, let stand for 30 minutes, strain.
Counseling / Psychic Readings Caroline Scott - 1st visit 07-16-96 Some of Carolines's observations and intuitions: - I am disconnected, alone, lonely. - I spend much time out of my body, not wanting to feel. - When I close my eyes, I'm less mental, less judgemental. - BREATHE - Try writing with my eyes closed. = = = = = Susan G. 4-16-95, O.B. - First time. Met Rachel. Easter Sunday, stormy. On the right track in health. I hold out a teacup to catch rain (prosperity) when I could use a bathtub. Move south in 3-4 months, don't compromise, a place of light, start looking now. Working with Krysta is a good idea. Focus on the love aspect of the relationship in my life, great learning there. = = = = = Tessa Cason Tessa Cason - what I want from this - I want to change my life. - I need an objective observer to help me see if my belief system is skewed, if my goals are dysfunctional or unrealistic, or the true callings of my heart. - For the most part, I haven't enjoyed my life. I hid from the world, isolated myself, and developed some damaging behaviors for protection and in consequence. - My dream is to create a business, a new way of running a business, that focuses on the metaphysical truth of our being. In short, a business that is about first helping its employees learn their lessons and enjoy life, and second serving others and making a profit. - #1 change desired: ability to follow through. How can I do this? Why don't I? Depression comes on whenever I attempt something. - What I think would help: feel more comfortable with myself and with other people, develop social skills. - 2 areas where I need the most help are in maintaining a positive and hopeful frame of mind and in developing a sense of sexual confidence and ease. 1st visit 8-31-95 Some of Tessa's observations and intuitions: - I spend much time feeling sorry for myself: Woe is me, Poor me, I don't want to be here. - My guardians have pulled me out of the depths many many times. They'll keep me from going under, but learning to fly is my job. - I am here to complete my assignment. I know what it is and I'm afraid. - I am a natural born teacher and healer, and this is what I'll do in time. - After years of closing off the world, I finally allowed one single person to come close. I've held onto her, not letting her go, but keeping her at arm's length. It is time to stop leaning on Sondra. - When I do open up, all the stuffed feelings will come forth. First sadness, then anger. The anger is at myself, for wasting so much time, for not doing what I'm here to do. - I've finally said (within) that "Enough is enough." I'm ready to work my assignment. - - - - - Tessa Cason - Grumpy Tool Kit Grumpy attack first aid kit: - Change Frequency - Fake it till you make it - Committed to goals - Work with anything that feels blocking - Change physiology - Exercise - Affirmations - Focus on what I do have - Meditate - Pray - Laugh - Change state - movie, restaurant, people - Add value to someone's life - Breathe - Forgiveness - Gratitude - Sweat bath Things To Try: Sweat Bath Calc Carb remedy (sadness) - - - - - Tessa Cason - 2nd visit 9-02-95 - Martyrs punish. - I don't try, or try and get depressed, because I won't allow myself to feel any satisfaction in anything I do, don't value my successes. - What I want is feeling of success and love and joy. I won't let myself feel it. - Desire Imagination Expectations - I don't expect to succeed. - We praise people because we want to feel good Tessa guided me through my betrayal of Alva Ray's heart and showed me I've always focused on the pain in that incident, never visualizing what might have been. - - - - - Tessa Cason - 3rd visit 9-10-95 I am like my father Like he was on the sofa, his back to us, ignoring our cries. I have ignored people. - - - - - Tessa Cason - 4th visit 9-16-95 Forgive myself for my judgements (others haven't done anything wrong). JUDGEMENTS Tool Kit - Ask how instead of why - Look inward - what is it inside me that brings this out - Change frequency - Acceptance - of that which is - Surrender - to whatever may be - Laugh at self - See the gift in this challenge - Switch / Change thought pattern (what are you focusing on - - change thoughts entirely) - Send them love and light - Forgive myself for making these judgements - Change physiology (exercise, move, change location) - Say "NO, I am not going to participate" - Say "I'm played out Tessa" Judgement means better than . Junk (dead) food keeps me from having to live more. Sleep when I want to sleep. Make a decision. - - - - - Tessa Cason - 5th visit 11-7-95? I went into a severe downward spiral and never went back. Did Tessa help me? I don't know for sure. I don't think so. I don't think I need someone to yell at me. Maybe it would have worked at one time. Now, I feel bad enough already. Tessa advised against doing the forgiveness exercise. "What have those people done to need your forgiveness?" she asked. And she was right about this, intellectually. However, I've been in a major tailspin ever since. So I'll go back to doing forgiveness, and hope it helps again.
TRT meeting notes Cast: Shannon & Lindsey & Terri Cecille Dare 296-2026 Jeffrey Barber 431-2587 Cheryl ? 431-2587 Pat Palmer 297-5286 Sept 21, 1996 To know Spirit's voice, practice following the 'voice' you do hear. Are you calling this real? (attachment) Serve Spirit (What can I do for God / Spirit?) Oct 05, 1996 Treat your body as a separate living entity. Ask it what it needs. The body wants to please us. It would prefer to use its own intelligence - - but it goes with what we provide (often we try to make it shutup). (during phone conversation with Shannon: 3 emotions- Love, Fear [of possible loss], Grief [of real or perceived loss] Anger is movement of energy)
Personal Ads (I don't think any of these were ever submitted.) PERSONAL GROWTH and metaphysics are my favorite classes in this school of life. To balance the course load, I also signed up for physical fitness, creative expression, and advanced fun and joy. I'm 37, seeking friendship, romance, commitment. (July 1992) Wanted: Nurse/ Mother/ Teacher. Not because I'm ill, childish, or in need of tutoring. Rather, because my heart will respond to one that has chosen caring as a lifestyle. I'm 42, never married, love children, into health and personal growth. "A Relationship Is the best seminar in town." - Barbara De Angelis. I'm 43, seeking someone longing for growth and consciousness expansion though friendship, love, and romance. I enjoy meditation, children, creativity, honest expression, plays, film.
Richard Bach seminar notes - To connect with the other side, imagine it. - Life is about remembering / reclaiming what we are. - Posted on his writing keyboard: Have Fun, Don't Think, Don't Care - Money is a gift given in return for the ideas we share. - Give the gift of what you know to your time and you'll be rewarded.
Tennis - Awareness Exercises - Bounce Hit - Distance from baseline - Where opponents ball will land - Height of ball as it crosses net. - Type and amount of spin on ball - Watch the balls trajectory
text of the note I considered leaving Dear Family & Friends, I apologize for my selfish exit from this life. Perhaps you will find it possible to forgive me. I have always felt like an alien in this world and my unsuccessful attempts to find my rightful place here finally became too wearing. Please don't blame yourselves or think you should have done anything differently. My inability to cope and unwillingness to ask for help is a problem to work out with God. I am embarrassed to choose such a weak response to the challenge of living. I long planned to simply disappear so no one would know what a coward I am. But it wouldn't be fair to leave you wondering and perhaps searching for me for years. I have tried to be as considerate as possible considering the cruel thing I am doing. I have no personal belongings left that need attention, except for my body. Please cremate it as inexpensively as possible. I send you Love and hope we may meet again someday in a world where I'm more at my best. Your son, brother, friend Rick Struble
My Ideal Day (dream board type vision, circa 1996?) I wake early, 5:30 or 6. Barely dawn. I quietly get out of bed and enjoy some exercise ~ a brisk walk, or a bike ride, sometimes a swim. I have breakfast & see the family off, then attend to chores & mail. Shower and shave and meditate, then reach the office by 9:30 or 10. I work with people I have great love & respect for. They are spiritual kin. The work is creative, fun, and challenging. I like it very much. Some days I am there until 5 or 6, usually I leave by 4 or so. I spend the evening at home in loving interaction with my family. I may read a bit that night, perhaps watch a movie. By 10 or so I turn in. My life is wonderful, full, rich, prosperous. I feel blessed.
Mom's history & health records 2017: aortic valve replaced 2015: left arm broken 2013: brother Gene passed Oct 2010 - 2nd husband Ed passed, stroke 2009: intestinal blockage removed 2007: right hip replaced 2004: left hip replaced Aug 2000 - arthritis diagnosed 1989: benign cyst removed, below left ear 1974: gallbladder, stones removed Dec 28, 1966: father died, aged 62, blood clot from injection 1949: appendix removed 1940: tonsils removed mother died, aged 25, peritonitis after child birth Mildred Lucretia (Heflin) Reynolds Jul 20, 1904 - Feb 20, 1929


INDEX (last updated: mid-May 2017) (alphabetical list, search on the entry in quotes)

Bio "my aspiring filmmaker bio" "Counseling / Psychic Readings" "Disability Timeline" "DRILLING GLASS" ECETI - "Impressions of my first visit to ECETI - April 2016" "Fasting program (FCI)" Filter, Reverse Osmosis filter readings: "Reverse Osmosis" "Giant Bubble Recipe" "is this the right person for you?" 4 question quiz "King of the Road" lyrics Misc: "Reader Personal Ad (July 1992)" "Stuff I did not bring on the Spring 2017 road trip" Mom's history & health records Music: Randy Alward, "Play the Game" "My Ideal Day" (dreamboard type vision from @1996) Reviews by rls: "David Icke's "The Biggest Secret" "Richard Bach seminar notes" Road Trips: "Hwy 99 rest areas" Sex: "Every sexual contact causes the mix of koshas" "my mixing of koshas" Shamans: A person would never.... choose to be a shaman. "Paul Levy" "Tennis - Awareness Exercises" "text of the note I considered leaving" Trader Joe's: my "hiccup of irrationality" "TRT meeting notes" Utopia: all societal advances come "first in some utopian writing" Vanishing Point - 1997 version - my thoughts "1997 Fox tv movie" Women: "is this the right person for you?"